Sorting Algorithms are used to sort a data structure according to a specific order relationship, such as numerical order or lexicographical order.

This operation is one of the most important in Computer Science and thus new methods have been developed to make this procedure faster and faster. It can be difficult to understand and it's easy to get confused.

Visualizing sorting algorithms can be a great way to better understand their functioning while having fun!

There are currently hundreds of different sorting algorithms, each with its own specific characteristics. They are classified according to two metrics: space complexity and time complexity. Space and time complexity can also be further subdivided into 3 different cases: best case, average case and worst case.
Most of them fall into two categories:

1. Logarithmic
The complexity is proportional to the binary logarithm (i.e to the base 2) of n.

2. Quadratic
The complexity is proportional to the square of n.

Happy Visualising!